Public Speaking and Presentations Skills


From First Grade to Graduate School; in business, academics, medicine, technology and professional services, frontal presentation skills have become a highly necessary, if not mandatory life skill.

When presenting in front of a crowd, regardless of its size, it’s critical that we deliver clear, concise memorable messages when conveying our thoughts and ideas. All this while consciously orchestrating our body language and carefully sensing feedback from the crowd.

These highly complex skills may cause many to feel insecure and anxious when required to speak out in front of a crowd. Seasoned speakers, on the other hand, know that they cannot rely solely on their intuition. Hence they are constantly looking to hone their skills and continue to improve their abilities through formal training.

“Present Perfect”™ was founded to meet the challenges of speakers both seasoned and inexperienced. We are happy to offer our “Presentation Skills” seminar, enhancing and optimizing existing skills.

Upon completing this seminar, you will be proficient at:

  • Pre-presentation preparation
  • Session planning
  • Interacting with your audience
  • Making memorable presentations
  • Presentation structure, flow and design
  • Developing highly effective verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Utilizing external tools and methods to improve your presentation

About The Trainer

Ariel Zang, founder and chief trainer of “Present Perfect” has over 20 years of experience in marketing and training management.

All courses and services can be delivered in English, Spanish and Hebrew.